10 Most Amazing Pieces of Lunch Art By Parents

Sunny Side Up Eggs

Sunny Side Up Eggs
Anne Widya is an awesome mom. She has four children and loves to make them sunny side up eggs. Sometimes she wakes up very early to make breakfast art for them. (Source | Via)

Napkin Pop Culture Art

Napkin Pop Culture Art
Nina Levy has been drawing on her sons' lunch napkins for the past 7 years. She has since created over 2,000 mini works of art! A professional artist by trade, Nina brings pop-culture to her kids' lunches by drawing well known fictional characters that traverse the nerdistsphere onto napkins. (Source | Via)

5 Years Worth of Sandwich Bags

5 Years Worth of Sandwich Bags
Graphic designer and father David Laferriere has been drawing on his kids' lunch bags since 2009. The result is an awesome photo montage of the coolest Sharpie-drawn pics you have ever seen!

David says the inspiration hit him randomly one morning while he was making his kids' lunches. He saw the Sharpie on the counter and he wondered if it would work on the sandwich bag. It did and the rest is history! Now 5 years later, he has over 1,100 bags and counting. (Source | Photo | Via)

Lunch Box Dad

Lunch Box Dad
A father of three has put all other parents to shame with his artistic and mouth-watering lunchbox masterpieces. 

Beau Coffron, a San Francisco-based writer who goes by Lunchbox Dad on his website, creates edible art each day for his first-grade daughter Abigail to bring to school. From sandwiches inspired by Frozen and the Muppets movies to holiday themed snacks, his creative bento boxes are undoubtedly a source of envy in the school cafeteria. (Source | Via)

Pancake Portraits

Pancake Portraits
For some families, pancakes are a Sunday morning tradition. In Nathan Shields' household, pancakes are edible works of art. The professional illustrator, math teacher, and dad of two likes to entertain his children Gryphon and Alice by making truly spectacular pancake art. Recently, his pancake portraits of all four members of the Beatles have gone viral. From detailed creations of sharks and cephalopods to bunnies and butterflies, he's posted more than 120 kinds of pancakes on his blogsaipancakes.com, and launched @saipancakes on Twitter. (Source | Via)

Eats Amazing Looks Amazing

Eats Amazing Looks Amazing
Her six-year-old son turned his nose up at sandwiches and carrot sticks, so Grace Hall transformed them into aliens, elephants and superheroes. Now the little boy cannot wait to open his packed lunch every day and tuck into his favorite characters.

With the help of a few cutters and molds, the former accountant and mom has turned sandwiches into Spiderman, hard-boiled eggs into sheep, and melons into Easter chicks, while making hundreds of healthy lunches. Her blog, Eats Amazing, showing photographs of the culinary creations, is followed by 7,500 other mothers. (Source | Via)

Brown Paper Lunch Bags Turned into Art

Brown Paper Lunch Bags Turned into Art
Brian Dunn, a graphic designer, illustrator, and proud father, has been drawing awesome cartoon characters on his first-grade son's brown paper lunch bags every day for the past 2 years.

To celebrate his son's completion of first grade, the proud papa posted a collection of his favorite lunch bag illustrations on Reddit. “I draw all the time, I decided his bags were good practice. Tough material to work on, and it would motivate me to keep doing something different every day,” he wrote. (Source | Via)

Bento Box Stardom on Instagram

Bento Box Stardom on Instagram
When Malaysian mommy Samantha Lee came up with playful story-themed bento lunchboxes to get her kids to eat right, she had no idea they would also catapult her to internet fame.

Lee began making the creative story and pop culture inspired lunches in 2008, when she was pregnant with her second daughter. As her considerable talent developed, so did her following – she now has more than 650,000 followers on Instagram, where she posts her designs. Even more impressive is that she is totally self-taught – she has never taken culinary courses, and has relied instead on cooking shows and her own imagination. (SourceVia)

The Avengers Assembled Sketches

The Avengers Assembled Sketches
Lars Gronholt's daughter wouldn't eat her lunch. She loved the movie The Avengers, so he sketched cartoons of comic book heroes, encouraging her to eat. (PhotoVia)

Awesome Blue Ballpoint Pen Napkins

Awesome Blue Ballpoint Pen Napkins
When Jimmy Ettele's daughter, Emma, asked for a sweet note and a drawing in her school lunch box, the Reading, Pennsylvania father wouldn't settle for a quick sketch of a princess or a pony. Instead, Ettele grabbed a plain, white napkin and a blue ballpoint pen and reproduced from memory a drawing of muscle-bound, hammer-wielding Thor in intricate detail.

Emma, 9, loved it. “She kept asking, ‘Dad, can I have another one?'” Ettele said. “Then, my oldest was like, ‘I want one, too.'” Thus, Ettele joined the panoply of parents who channel their creativity into an artistic expression of love through the humble medium of the school lunch. (Source)